Learn from others' mistakes

Improve your language skills by learning from how we corrected others.

RP :
Mon objectif le plus fou serait de monter ma société
, cela me permettraispermettrait de me sociabiliersociabiliser un peu plus.
J’aimerais beaucoup devenir ingénieur.
L’histoire est assez simple
, je me suis levé enun matin et je me suis dit : Yanis, pourquoi ne racheterais turachèterais-tu pas l’unicorn et le transformer en.....

Je me présente : je m'appelle Mathieu, j'ai 21 ans, je suis en étude suppérieursupérieure en informatique et occupe un poste d'alternant chez Orange Business Service, une filiale du groupe Orange SA.
passionépassionné et diplomerdiplômé dans le domaine de l'informatique, je me permetpermets de vous contacter pour vous propo.....

Dear Dr. Amir,

I am Murat Alperan Yavuz, 6th year medical student at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University in Ankara, Turkey. My education is continuing. I took all my theoretical classes, only my last intern year is left. Doing other internships during the year will only delay my graduation
, and th.....

Je sortsors à l’instant de ma réunion de suivi entre le CFA d’Orange et l’IPI. Galaad était convié et présent à cette réunion.
Il en
resortressort principalement un manque de compréhension du livret d’apprentisage. Fabien BRUNET est revenu sur le sujet et Mhamed nous à donnera donné quelques tips et je leursleur en remer.....

Hello, Tammy! I appreciate you reaching out so fast,. I hope everything is well! I am so sorry I missed your calls, I have a bad habit of keeping my phone on do''do not disturbdisturb'' mode. Last year, I was able to make a tour to the NY campus, luckily! I was curious if there were any spaces left for this u.....

Good afternoon, Ms.joseph it Joseph. This is Alisha Ibrahim, and I am here today to request to be in the getting career readycareer-ready program. I am requesting to be in the program because I feel that it is important to be ready for my future/careerfuture, so I am prepared for my career. In this program, iI hope to accomplish know.....

The project is really interesting from the perspective of redesigning and repositioning.

We made a brand primary study
,. It is something like a brand current situation monitoring,
which primarily helped us understand the challenges and problems that the brand faced and which kind of solution have to.....

Sunset prestige ouvre sescommence son recrutement. çaÇa y est, nous sommes en ville !
Nous cherchons principalement des chauffeurs (RP) : nous
ne demandons pas de rouler à 50 km/h, mais soyez vigilant en ville. çaIl serait dommage de casserbriser les véhicules de fonctionsfonction tout neuf !neufs!
Les exigences
- Avoir minimum 1

Dear Robert,

You’re invited to attend the training course you registered for, which will be held on Friday
, 24th June 2022, from 10:00am to 4:00pm -(expected(expected finish). Please save the date in your calendar.

Lunch will be provided on the day
, please. Please specify if you have any particular food preferences.....

I recently saw your posting on Facebook for a part-time English tuition job opportunity at Ulsan, and I find it very conversant with my schedule. I willwould like to discuss any opportunity further. I am a dual citizen on a D-2-4 visa. I stayed in Canada with my dad for 13 and a half years, before movin.....

I started my higher education with a firm conviction to become well-versedwell versed in mechatronics. Throughout the course, I recognized that I was naturally talented in computer engineering subjects. Then, before my last year of university, I took a one-year software engineering internship at Baker Hughes C.....

Ok, that’sit’s fine to ask ,. It all stated ofstarted with her rightful inheritance that she’s supposed to inherit from his late dad. and everythingEverything was documented and brought to the court to have documents inthe name in change tochanged for the inheritance, so she could have everything in her name. but onHowever, in the process the company had alre.....

Muscat: Digging underground wells without obtaining a licence has dramatically increased over the past years in the Sultanate of Oman. Most of them lack safety requirements.

It undoubtedly depletes the strategic water reserves and
is considered an encroachment on natural resources as well as a .....

Bonjour Marion, bonjour l'équipe Scarly,
Je viens de voir la vidéo de Marion sur Tiktok
estet je dois avouer ma tristesse face à cette nouvelle. Ayant fait de la création de site webWeb, l'une de mes sourcesources de revenurevenus, je comprends totalement le temps et la patience que cela demande.
Face à cette situati

This study aimed to identify the role of tax planning. in improving the financial capacity of the firm. Obtaining tax advantages and reducing the tax burden, on it is one of the priorities of top management. In addition, the fact that tax laws are rapidly changing. Havehave forced firms to pay attention to.....

Dear sirSir,
RE: Application for A.
Narang Farms Ltd.
Please find attached my resume in support of my application for
the above position.
I am applying for this role because it is a job
iin which I can both exel,excel and perform to a very high standard. Having researched your organization in detail, iI have.....

This is to thein reference ofto the above subject. itIt is to inform you that we have opt storm fiberinstalled StormFiber internet in September 2020, and within two or three months after installation, we havewe started facing issues in the connectivity and speed of the internet, we. We have contacted your technical team numerous time on whitimes. Ea.....

Our workplaces are changing faster than ever before, and key skills learned in school are quickly becoming obsolete. If the last two years have taught us anything, it is that the only constant is change, and change is inevitable; constant learning and upskilling are the only ways to survive and thri.....

Ce n’est pas ce qu’on avait convenu durant notre ET avec Eduardo et Elhamri . L’entreprise procédera à la mise à jour sur la base des plans synthèsesynthèses que vous devez les viser rapidement vu qu’ils ont été réalisés selon vos remarques afin de débloquer la réception sur site.

Et on a décidé qu’une réunion

אני מסארווה עבד אל לטיף ת.ז: 206418238
היההיתה לי באמצע הסמסטר עבודה בקורס תקשורת בינאישית יעוץ ותמיכה. בעבודעל עבודה זו היה לי ועדת משמעת בגלל שהיה לכם חשד שהעתקתי ובסוף החליטו שיפסלו לי את העבוד נכון שאניהעבודה. אני מודה שהעתקתי אבל אני עשיתי רוב העבודה סכ״הבעצמי. סה"כ העתקתי קמה משפתיםכמה משפטים ולא מראהנראה לי שזה הודןהוגן לפסול קואת כ.....

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