Learn from others' mistakes

Improve your language skills by learning from how we corrected others.

Aujourd'hui aurait été le 64e anniversaire de ma maman. Je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser à elle et à tout ce qu'elle représentait pour moi. Elle était une personne si gentille et aimante, donnant toujours la priorité aux autres. Même si elle n'est plus avec nous, je sais qu'elle veille toujours s.....

Hey, I have a quick question for you.

YouDo you want me, as a freelancer, to handle all your video creation needs?

I am specialized in creating stunning videos without breaking the bank and
in driving new leads, sales, and traffic to your sites and offers.

Now, you probably already know that ne

Every 3 years, New Zealand has an election to elect a democratic government. There is a Parliamentaryparliamentary system of Governmentgovernment that is a constitutional monarchy in New Zealand. The Governmentgovernment sends out MPs to look around the areas such as health, education, police, and transportation.

New Zealand has a

thankThank you so much for reaching me, i'mI'm thrilled and out of words .

apologizeIapologize for the delay in responding to this day, due to health conditions beyond my control.

It would be an honor for me to take part in this historic effort.

I am very excited about it, and I hope that we get the chance to wor

Estimado Sr. José Luis Gallardo Roque, director de la clínica La Providencia:
Mi nombre es Ignacio Medina León, gerente general de la empresa PharmaSalud.

Me dirijo a usted con motivo de explicarle el inconveniente de la demora deocurrido con los productos farmacéuticos importados. Al: al concretar la venta, nosotros.....

Sachez que la création de site web, même minime, demande du temps et du travail à long terme. Mes prix sont déjà au plus bas et je ne respecte pas non plus mon tarif journalier de 150€/jour dans mes propositions ...
Si vous prenez le forfait de maintenance
, vous n'aurez pas la possibilité d'apporter .....

Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro
Amal fellowship
has given us this task to manage time inin an effective way, so in this task we use Pomodoro techniques to complete our work. This experiment is difficult for me because II'm not understandunderstanding the instructioninstructions properly,. I talked to my circle leader, and he .....

Tout d'abord, merci pour le temps accorderaccordé à la rédaction du cahier des charges ; cela ma permitm'a permis de me projeter sur la bonne réalisation du site vitrine.
releverrelevé les points clés, cette à direc'est-à-dire réaliser un site vitrine d'entreprise de moins de 50 pages ; un site qui sera "responsive", cette à dirc'est-à-dir.....

This is Samira Mohamud. 987806. 10th. I am sending this email to you regarding my schedule. I had signed up for classes towards the end of my freshman year. I wanted to attend classes like: food prep, business classes, gym, etc. I see that I have study hall, which I’m okay with, but my entire schedu.....

I get your point and totally understand if you keep looking for otheranother student.

However, I would like to explain why I am interested in working with you. Through my PhD application process, I have found that professors mainly choose students with
a similar background to the area of research. Thus.....

I am excited to be applyingapply for thatthe Farm Worker position.
I have volunteered on a farm for the past four years, so I know what it takes to get the job done. I am a hard worker who is not afraid of a challenge. I am also detail-oriented, which is important when it comes to picking
fruits and vegetables and fruits.


Je reviens vers vous aujourd'hui concernant l'infiltration d'eau que je rencontre depuis plus d'un mois maintenant. N'ayant jamais eu le privilège d'avoir un retour d'une personne du service location, j'étais contraint de contacter M. LOUVET quique je remercie à faitd'avoir au moins fait l'effort de s'y int.....

Hope you had a good vacation.
Thank you for your kind email, of course
it’sit was my pleasure to meet with you.
I just need some time to decide
eitherwhether I will go for another job or I will go back to my home country, thanthen I will discuss everything with you.
Currently I would like to request
for Visaa visa extension an.....

Scandaleux ! Je suis vendeur sur Rakuten est c'est bien la première fois que je suis confronté à un soucis de ce genre. unUn client à passera passé commande sur ma boutique rakuten il àRakuten. Il a reçu son article, mais n'a jamais confirmerconfirmé la réception sur le site de Rakuten. auAu final, je me retrouve impayé et je doitdois.....

Hello Scrum Masters,

As you may all have been aware, we - the Cloud DevOps
team haveTeam - announced in mid-July that we will begin the migration of the Organizationsorganizations and Repositoriesrepositories from our Self-hostedself-hosted GitHub (https://xxxxgit.xxx.xxx) to GitHub Enterprise Cloud (https://github.com/enterprises/xxxx-emu) .....

Vivo uma das fases mais felizes da minha vida. Ao mesmo tempo, me pego sempre lembrando de uma infância igualmente feliz - Às— ás vezes com uma saudade alegre,; outras, com um pouquinho de melancolia.

Dias atrás ouvi uma uma música que dizia “lembrar de uma tristeza te faz saber quanto é lindo ser feli

Dear Gordon High School students
If you haven't joined The Wave yet, we're here to make you not just join but fall in love with the experiment.
The experiment was conducted by
Ben, our history teacher Ben, in order to check their values.
Sounds good to you?
thisThis is just the beginning.
The experiment hel

To: editor@womensmonthlymagazine.co.za

goodGood idea

Hi there! I am a great fan of your magazine.

I am the
prPR for delilah’s hair salonDelilah Hair Salon (we’re a chain). We are having a special to benefit cancer charity. We noknow that LOCK HAIR PARLOUR is doing something as well for chaitry charity, but to be fair we.....

Dear Team,
On August 29th, Nano will be increasing
the pricing on four models. Please reply back to this email stating “Confirmed” as a proof of receipt.

ThoseThe models and pricingprices are:

Nano-CIC-Recharge-JH-R/B $347
, plus tax where applicable
Nano-CIC-Recharge-DC-JH-R/B $497
, plus tax where applicable.....

This research paper discusses Linda Hogan’s novel Power (1999) in the light of the concepts of speciesism and environmental racism. The mistreatment of nature, animals as well as the people belonging to the colored communities across the globe is a common theme in both these terms. This paper emphas.....

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