Learn from others' mistakes

Improve your language skills by learning from how we corrected others.

Komprimieren Sie Ihre Beine, um den Schmerz loszuwerden!

Ortorex BeinmanschetteOrtorex-Beinmanschette bietet Druck und Muskelschutz für Knie und Beine. Durch die Verbesserung der Blutzirkulation lindert sie Schmerzen, Schwellungen und Entzündungen. Darüber hinaus beschleunigt sie die Genesung und ermöglicht es Ihnen.....

IT budget 2022 is planned to consume at maximum, as users are facing problems due to vintage IT equipment and some new requirements for efficient system operations.
In order to
fulfillfulfil the purpose, there will be requirements of adjustments in between IT heads within IT budget due to the following rea.....

Je ne sais pas d’où peupeut venir le soucissouci du côté d’Elementor (Problème(problème de navigateur, OS pas pris en charge, etc.). Je vais en discuter avec eux et reviendrais vers vous à ce sujet.
Je me lance effectivement à mon tour dans la proposition de formation
, car je me rendrends compte que c’est encore indispe.....

Let me start by apologizing for everything I have caused you as a son.
I came to think
of it over the past few weeks about my behaviour tobehavior towards you (most importantly).
I wishhope you accept my wrong doing and take me as your son once more.

My reason for writing this letter to you is to reinforce the 2k/month a

The given line graph reveals the information about population of youngsters varied in United Kingdom from 1990 to 2001 . The data is calibrated in percentages and children are categoriesedcategorized into 4 age groups . In an overview , it is visible that the percentage of infants , between 0 to 4 years old , decline.....

A long time before time itself got its name, there lived a creature. Tall, slender, and pale as a long-dead body in the blood-covered snow. It had ancient runes on its back shining like a golden sun in the clear autumn sky through the yellowish oak leaves that are about to fall. The creature never k.....

Bonjour Sylvie,
j'espère que vous allez-bienallez bien,
Je viens
d'effectuéed'effectuer les modifications demandésdemandées sur votre site.
, je ne vois pas le problème d’alignement de la liste à pucepuces sur les pagepages : massage oriental marocain et massage chi nei tsang.
Merci pour votre retour et je suis ravi que vous

To: Ischultz@hs309.org
From: eatingcookiesallday91@gmail.com
Hi Mrs. S!

I will not be able to make it to
your class tomorrow, so if uyou could getemail me the work I am going toI'll be missing by emailing it
to me
, that would be great. And I didn't getunderstand today's assignment. It was weird.
, I need.....

Dear, Mr. Islam IIslam,

hope this email finds you well. I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to manage EL kawkab loungeKawkab Lounge. However, I would like to inform you that I am facing a lot of challenges firstlychallenges. Firstly, I need Accessaccess so I can make my requisition. secondlySecondly, I need your assistassistance to ge.....

Start your career in your own hometown!
At the end of this month, we are organizing a special event for every student who wants to
get an international professionalgain a professional international experience. The main idea of this event is for students to get the chance to hear about other people’s experiences in the labour market.....

Buenos días Carmen,;

El día de ayer, trate de adjuntar el documento y no me permitió. Lo que se adjuntaba era algo totalmente distinto. El día de hoy me notifica que debo volver a subirlo, pero no me deja.

Al respecto he estado bastante tenso, porque sigo las instrucciones, pero la plataforma me ha

Now I don’t want to get older without you next to me
It started when we were younger
I saw you chase all of your dreams

Staring at those photographs
Suddenly takes me back to the day that we
becomebecame one
Looking at those moments that didn’t tear us apart

I always have you by
my side, in every s.....

Remote work isn’t worse than working in an office - as we will prove in this post. In our experience, remote work can provide employees the same benefits as in-office work. If you're concerned that remote employees are feeling isolated due to a lack of face-to-face contact, organize an online integr.....

Warm greetings. I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. I am writing to share with you an encouraging message from the Bible.
Will we ever see an end to violence? For example, war,
crime, and terrorism?terrorism. We have seen so much death and destruction of latelately. For instance, "More than 220 shot a.....

Medicine is my passion. From a very young age, having observed illness and pain among family members and friends, a strong desire to alleviate pain and provide care to fellow human beings had grown in me. This strong desire shaped my education and future career in medicine. It also gradually funnell.....

cost-effectiveness analysisCost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) have been conducted among the three interventions for the treatment of typeType 2 diabetes mellitusDiabetes Mellitus to evaluate which alternative intervention is more cost effective, such as allopathic (modern) medicine, herbal medicine (ayurvedic medicine, unani medicine, herbal extra.....

Dear Waad,

Kindly note that this is the first time we have heard about this contract award. Given that, this contract is directly involved with
the current GEA website and existing Enjoy platform enhancements and operations, in which it requires proper handover from a develop.....

Over the years, up until now - and in cultures around the world, -- periods are still associated with numerous myths that are often perceived by females that made them apply them in their real-life situations and put them on the wrong side of the table. In medieval times, there was a shortage of know.....

Dear Mrs. Daisley,

On looking over our records this week, we find that each of your offices
havehas failed to renew its
subscription to Modern Times. And we assure you wewill regret this very much. Each of our previous
letters expresshas expressed our appreciation offor having you as a subscriber. And explainand explained to.....

Reflect on your virtual Fellowshipfellowship experience. What aspects of the experience most significantly changed you as a leader or professional? How will attending the Symposiumsymposium further your leadership journey? 250 words

The presentation on project management with
athe topic “Focus Project Development” and.....

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