As a first time homebuyer, with anda lack of knowledge and still on a learning journey, I Noticednoticed my mortgage kept increasing over the years. I didn’t quite understand why or where the increases were coming from. whenWhen I noticed it was my property tax, I applyapplied for a Homestead discount which I was approved, andbut I noticed my taxes arewere still high. I recently sat down and did a few comparison fromcomparisons between where I started at closing and now. When I was doing my comparison I decided to look further into my neighborsneighbors' taxes by looking deeper on the website and noticed a few Differencesdifferences between my property and fewsome others. I understand property value increases over the years and especially did after the pandemic. However, I provided a list of properties that I did a few comparisoncomparisons on and noticenoticed a difference fromto mine.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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