from Edo Estate, Esan Central LGA.
A graduate of civil engineering with a
bachelorbachelor's degree
in Engineeringengineering (B.ENG). He is a member, Nigeria of the Nigerian
Institute of Civil Engineers MNICE. A member,
Nigeria society
of the Nigerian Society of Engineers MNSE. A registered
engineer, council for the regulation of engineering in
Nigeria COREN.

Anetor Festus Oseghale is a
hard workinghard-working young man
with various degreedegrees and vast experience in civil works
of over sixteen years, he. He is a result orientedresults-oriented civil
engineer professional who has served in various
capacities in the professional body like Governmentbodies, such as government
institutions and private sectors.
He started his
carriercareer as a young Engineerengineer with federal
housing authority Asokoro Abuja as an I.T student and
then a corps member and on successful. After completion of
his NYSC, he was gainfully employed by a
construction firm, MANRENG NIGERIA LIMITED,
as a site Engineerengineer and later headed all engineering units
for over six years as a project manager.

He has also
workworked and consultconsulted for other construction
companies on civil works. Presently, he works for
Hectare 360 as a top manager and consult for others.
As a brave team leader, he
has given tutelageprovided guidance and
mentorship to several young
engineers and still counting.
H e h a s e x c e l l e d t o
measurable level
immeasurably in his field
of endeavor and is currently
consulting for local and
international bodies.
He is the MD/CEO, of FOJIE
H O M E S L I M I T E D ,
and is married and blessed with

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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