As time passes by, now I feel less interested in writing and maintaining this journal. It's true that, whatever we do, it’s just that we need dedication and discipline to end what we have started. Somebody has said it well that, to start we need motivation but to keep going, we need discipline.Its It’s a hard hittinghard-hitting quote that, “Motivation is temporary and discipline is permanent.” Yes, of course, I want to develop into the best version of myself. I want to become the most successful person in my life. I want to be the best of the best in me. I have always thought that if I am always thinking about it, then It'sit's a sign that God wants me to do it. Steve (inspirational influencer) put his wordwords well about it. I also want to be mature enough to handle everything myself now. I feel that being mature is not related to age but coming out of the comfort zone and taking extra responsibilities, and doing more of what you don't want to actually do. That's maturity. Maturity is about not whining about problems in life and dealing with the solution. Someone said, Don't: “Don't find the fault, Findfind the remedyremedy”.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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