Every 3 years, New Zealand has an election to elect a democratic government. There is a Parliamentaryparliamentary system of Governmentgovernment that is a constitutional monarchy in New Zealand. The Governmentgovernment sends out MPs to look around the areas such as health, education, police, and transportation.

New Zealand has a representative democracy. Each person gets to vote on who represents them in Parliament. People in New Zealand who are over the age of 18 can vote in local elections.

A person or permanent resident from the age 18 and over can vote. Voting is not compulsory, but it does let you have a say in your democracy.

In a representative democracy,
theyyou vote for the person that is representing you on issues that matter during your democracy or election.

NZ also uses the system of ‘responsible government’. This means that the
Governmentgovernment can only be made up if the ministers are elected members from the House of Representatives.

Our system of government works by cooperating with three separate branches that are under the title of the government.
This power makes sure that the branchesone branch will not rule over another branch.

The House of Representatives is where every MP sits and includes the selected committees. This is
runnedrun by the country's government and makes wise decisions on how New Zealand's money is spent.

The Judiciary
iscomprises the judges of the courts. Judges hear and decide in courts,; by doing this, they are able to putenforce new and improved laws in NZ.

New Zealand's government is a government elected by the people. It runs on the principle of democracy. The three different branches of the government keep a check on each other.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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