• The roots of R. serpentina are specially used for balancing blood pressure, treatment of hypertension, and many neurological disorders. Due to its high value, this species is endangered in its natural habitat.

• The Terai region of Nepal is the
best-suitedbest suited habitat for Rauvolfia serpentina based on various environmental characteristics and occurrence points. 24 percent of Nepal`sNepal’s total land area is a potential habitat for R. serpentineserpentina and might be suitable for cultivation and promotion in 63 of 77 districts of Nepal.

• The trade of R. serpentina is very
minimumminimal in Nepal due to government restrictions and international law (IUCN: endangered and CITES: II). Cultivation practices are the major key activityactivities that leadslead to the conservation of this species in the natural environmeenvironment.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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