The full story of Najla and RashidRashid's case has begunbegan on May 11th. I received an email from Najla Al Ghamdi complaining about
Rashid Al Bariqi and how he verbally and physically attacked her.

As you know, we
have started our investigation since thenafter that. The security Coordinatorcoordinator and I have checked the camera recordings,
and confirmed what she said. As you saw before in the
Videovideo, as the one in charge, Najla wanted to add a receipt on Micros in the main Restaurant,restaurant;
where Rashid was standing there counting Cash,cash even though he was scheduled in the Al Rousha Cafe. When she tried to do soperform her job, RahidRashid got angry at her,
scolded her and pushed her away.

Investigation timethe investigation, Rashid went to the GM to raise his complaint. The GM asked me to deeply look into the matter deeply and to come up with
a compromising solution. unfortunately;Unfortunately, he raised a complaint in MOL against us, whereso he didn't leftleave us any space for further support. For the good of the hotel and to minimize loss, we offered to terminate his contract according to Article 74 of the Saudi
Labour Law ,; however, he refused and did not give us any other opportunity for further support from our side.

Our investigation involved F&B Manger
, Babu, and Room Service Manager, Abdullah Al ghamdiGhamdi, whom certify on hiswho certified Rashid's bad attitude . As you can see from
Abdullah's statement, Rashid was against the
Mangers' support tomangers' supporting Najla, and he has threatened to use further violence against her.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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