In Yellowstone Park, two wolves seem to have disappeared. The brothers Karen and Alex, together with their friend Sally, decide to consult the park in search of the two wolves. The next morning Alex, Sally and Karen wokewake up early to go look for the 2 wolves.
They immediately encounter danger. Sally falls into a creek and risks drowning
, but with Alex's help, she saves herself. Later, they encounteredencounter a bear and tooktake refuge in a cabin to save himselfthemselves.
Night comes and the bear is still outside, scratching the cabin window with its paw, the boys are frightened but
, thanks to a pack of wolves, the bear escapes.
The next morning they
resumedresume their journey, crossedcross the woods but metmeet a cougar and ranrun away in search of refuge. They wentgo up to the top of the mountain and then I wentgot down to Hayden Valley. The next morning the 3 boys wokewake up due to an annoying noise. Alex camecomes out of the tent and sawsees a herd of bison approaching their tent, they tooktake everything they neededneed and ranrun away, seeing their tent being carried away by the bison. Finally, they managedmanage to find malikMalik and lakotaLakota but with them there were also 4 puppiespups and so they understoodunderstand why they ran away. After finding them, they returnedreturn home and promisedpromise to get caught in yellowstoneYellowstone next year.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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