To: Rumabel Mateo (, Lynden Pagurut (, [180 more]
From: Olivia Fu, Human Resources Manager, Sprinklez Donutz, Inc.
Date: 10 March 2020, 9:18 AM
Subject: Please read – IWB49 Virus update
Hello all,
As you may know, the Disease Control Administration (DCA) is closely monitoring an outbreak of the
IWD49 virus that was first identified in Mexico City, Mexico. As of recent, additional cases have been
identified in other countries, including Canada.
As a company, the safety and well-being of our employees and customers is our main importance. Due
to this incident, we advise that any employees travelling from Mexico, or who live in the same
household as an individual travelling from Mexico, refrain from reporting to work
for 14 days following the
individuals’ return from Mexico.
Employees currently in this situation are asked to contact their manager to ensure they continue to
receive their regular/base pay for scheduled workdays missed. You will be asked to contact human
resources and attach any valid documentation to support the claim of this pay period.
As always, we are here to provide support and answers to any questions or concerns you may have.
Thank you,

Olivia Fu

Olivia Fu
Human Resources Manager, Sprinklez Donutz, Inc.
1234 Richmond St, Vancouver, BC, Canada X0X 0X0
(123) 456-7890, ext. 10

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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