Harry Potter is a fantasy film. The directorydirector is Chris Columbus and the main actor is Daniel Radcliffe.
Daniel Radcliffe plays Harry Potter
, who is left an orphan after the death of his parents as an orphan,, and goes to live at his uncle's house. On the day of his 11th birthday, he finds out that he is a wizard, and gets an invitation to the HogwartHogwarts, where he meets his first friends and begins his adventure. In my opinion, Harry Potter is a brilliant film. The sound track areis terrifying, the special effects are amazing, and the actors are play great. The script and the plot were written in professionaly wayterrifically written. If you like excitement adventure, you will like Harry Potter. I think it will awsomeit's an awesome film, and I would recommend it to everyone. Will you see the film?

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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